Friday 11 October 2024

Magazine Superauto illustrated 1987 - Ferrari 412

I was fearing already I would not get a response on this request:

Meanwhile I receive quite a lot of  requests to get access to my archive with the manuals. About 2 years ago Google made a change to this specific link because of security reasons. Apparently many people had this link bookmarked in the past which since the change no longer worked. On average I get a request for access every 2 weeks over the past 2 years. Most of these people are not even bothered to say thank you once I provide them the renewed link. On the right sidebar of the blog there is the correct link to the download folder which contains freely available all content regarding the 400, including the magazine articles and manuals. Perhaps I should consider a small fee to gain access so I can cover at least some of the expenses. I noticed I'm also start to run out of storage space on the Google Drive (nearly 80% used up), meaning in the future I might need to pay for storage. In any case, for now all is free. But if you appreciate all the content then the right side bar of the blog does also have a button at the top to make a Paypal donation.

So yes, this article is now available in the download folder. Unfortunately it's not a great article, more a brief sum up of the new specs. The Lancia Thema 8.32 article in this magazine is however excellent! But that is outside of the scope of this blog ...

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