Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Arabic Ferrari 400i badge

Just for the records, an Arabic 400 badge. It's currently listed on Ebay.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Ferrari 400i King Hussain for sale again

Remember this one:

Yes, it's back to Belgium again and put up for sale:

I also noticed in my blog stats that various Belgium people searched already for it and hit my blog.
I did happen to visit this company last year when we went to Spa Italia. We went there to inspect two Fiat Dino's for a friend. As for this 400, looks like a very decent specimen to me. Surely the price went up but that seems a trend currently happening over the entire classic car line.

Wagen verkeert in een perfecte staat, zowel technisch als mechanisch.
4.790cc -315pk
1ste eigenaar: Koning Hussein van Jordaniƫ !
Facturen, historie, onderhoudsboekje aanwezig.
34.963 km !

Monday, 27 April 2015

Wanna Play? Ferrari 365 GT4 2+2

By surprise I found this playcard on Ebay

Turns out this color picture is taken on the Frankfurt motorshow in 1973, see also blog:

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Body Sheet - Rilievi di carrozzeria - Ferrari 365 GT4 2+2 - Ferrari 400i

For my archive I have collected these two forms to report particular damage. Click the picture to enlarge:

Friday, 24 April 2015

Charles Zwolsman + Ferrari Collection + Trailer

Remember this blog:

And Remember this blog:

If you combine the two together, you get the following:

It's a snapshot from a video that was posted online yesterday. It's the confiscated car collection of Charles Zwolsman. You can see the video here:

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Press photo Ferrari 365 GT4 2+2 - Giorgio Bellia Photo Torino

I managed to get my hands on another press photo.

On Ebay the seller mentioned the following:

"originales Ferrari 365 GT4 2+2 Pininfarina Press Photo
1972, aufgenommen von Giorgio Bellia auf der Teststrecke in Fiorno, vermutlich Fahrgestellnummer 15897"

The name of this photographer was new to me. Unfortunately I was not able to find much more detail on him. I wonder if he's still alive?

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Pininfarina Yearbook 1972 No 12 - Ferrari 365 GT4 2+2

Yes, a very nice find. Another batch of photo series from the first model - some are unknown to me. Unfortunately no further details about this car in this book, only these pictures.


Saturday, 18 April 2015

400 on the move - trailer

I just catched these two pictures, thought they were nice for a light blog. Thinking about, it's not the first time I see the 400 moving on trailers. Let's see what I can grab together and collect a few more. I will label it accordingly; trailer

                             new cars in Etaples , ready for England ...1980. Photo by Pierre Pluquet

Ferrari 365 GT4 2+2 on the wall

It keeps amazing me whats available on this car. Again on FB a remarkable posting. Why don't you join us:

Friday, 17 April 2015

Ferrari 400i Brussels 1980 Autosalon

I catched this one today. Nice to see the growing interest for this car. Bring it on!

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Ferrari 400 wrecked / demolished

I just came across this advert which offered spare parts for the 400. Another one bites the dust. This was even a manual version. You can only wonder how many good examples survived.