“The best valued V12 Ferrari on the market today.”
“The best valued V12 Ferrari on the market today.”
And it got sold today for only € 69k ... what a steal:
I had always had this photo stored in my personal archive, I sensed it was a special one.
Apparently another Ferrari 400i in the Brunei collection. Just for the records:
Always impressive to see how many Italian beauties the Japanese have collected:
Last night my wife remarked if I had seen a specific Facebook post by a company she was connected with. Apparently it had a 400 on it. I had no idea who she was referring to. Once I was informed I said I was not connected with them but obviously looked it up though. Turned out it was a 400 indeed. The garage owner who repainted it is someone who I know from the long past, his son was in the same football team as ours. I checked their FB timeline but they appear not to be very active but of course the Ferrari had to be mentioned.
And by coincidence I received the following photo today in the "" Whatsapp group. One of the members is working on his Alfetta (I believe it's shared workshop):
As chances are very slim this obviously had to be same 400. How's that!? So in return I posted the photo above ;-)
But due to his photo with the red spider next to it I instantly recalled another Facebook posting in the 400 group which more or less revealed the same set up :-)
So now the circle is round. Curious to see if the owner reads this blog too :-)
Update 13-5-2021: Today this one got posted on Instagram:
An interesting catch via:
I guess this must be one of three delivered as per blog:
This one got posted on Facebook. Unfortunately the source and location is unknown. Looks like this has been sitting outside for a long time.
According to the master:
Serial number 21085, a 1977 carburettor 400, with red interior. Always been in Italy. Manual transmission according to my data (thought it has an auto badge on the back).
I got my hands on another Panini card. Should actually have bought a complete set, oh well.
More about Panini on this blog: