Sunday, 28 February 2021

Fiat 130 Coupe vs Ferrari 400

Via this Instagram account I found this remarkable hybrid of a Fiat 130 Coupe and a Ferrari 400.  Apparently it's residing somewhere in Sydney:

Saturday, 27 February 2021

Yellow Mellow - Ferrari 400i Automatic for sale in the UAE

Via Instagram I spotted this yellow 400i Automatic for sale in the UAE:

Ferrari 400i, non working condition. Ideal as a project car or a donorcar. Location: Abu Dhabi

The asking price is 38.000 USD or € 35.000 

Note the enlarged vent on the bonnet, I guess that's a need to have enhancement in the middle east climate. These VINs; 44183, 44185 and probably 44187 do have this option as well. See this example:

Thursday, 25 February 2021

Hamburg Ferrari 400i - poezie album

Found this one on Istagram, how cute is that?

Profielfoto van jenslucking

Way back Wednesday with this timeless Ferrari 400i I found at a Ferrari dealership in Hamburg
when I was eleven years old. Back then, I glued the prints into “Poesie” albums, meant for poems and/or
diaries. I’d write all the information gathered from car magazines, like Auto, Motor und Sport, or from card
games below the photographs.
📸 @jensluckingphotography
#ferrari400 #ferrari400i #ferrari #ferrarideutschland #pinneberg #ferrarihamburg #ferrariclassic 
#classicferrari #shotonfilm #analogphotography #perfectfamilycar

Wednesday, 24 February 2021

Daft Punk Ferrari 412

The split up of the Daft Punk band generated quite a few messages on the internet so it was hard to miss. And often the 412 was included with the supporting photo's. At first I ignored it but now even Pininfarina made a FB posting about it. So I'm adding it on todays blog as reference:

Monday, 22 February 2021

Dutch Magazine : Ferrari Hartstocht - Ferrari 365GT4 2+2 / 400 GT

Never heard or seen this before, might be a one-off magazine dedicated to Ferrari. One of the very few articles I have seen that is making a reference regarding the development of the automatic gearbox, which was done first by C.W. Vandengriff in the USA. See also this blog:

In any case, it's now available in the download folder:

Sunday, 21 February 2021

For sale : Ferrari 400 Automatic

 Adding this one for the records and the details of the first owner:

first owner was Shaikh Hamad Duaij al-Khalifa, who seems to be part of the Bahrain royal family. It wasn’t registered in the UK until 4 December 1980 so spent its first 3 years somewhere else – possibly Bahrain. 

S/N 21537 was originally painted Rosso Nearco, a dark red, with Sabbia (Beige) VM 3234 interior that it still has today.

Saturday, 20 February 2021

Monaco + Le Mans photo

How cool are these photo's? Credits to Pierre Pluquet. Click to enlarge:


Le Mans 24h 2010:

Thursday, 18 February 2021

Wednesday, 17 February 2021

Book : Ferrari Hypercars by Winston Goodfellow - Ferrari 412 Scaglietti

Now available in the download folder. Note it does only contain this one-pager about the 412 Scaglietti but also a lot about the F40. Click to enlarge:

Tuesday, 16 February 2021

Sunday, 14 February 2021

Motorsport 1975 + 1977

 Another nice online photo library I came across via another FB group:

In order to find the right photo's you need to select "automotive images" - apparently not all photo's will show up if you use the default "all images"

Hereby 2 specific queries for the 365 and 400 :

The photo's are very well watermark protected though:

Update 29-8-2021 : Something triggered me to visit this website again. To my surprise I was able to download the photo's without the watermark. So adding the series here for the records:

Saturday, 13 February 2021

Exotic Autospares

This Australian company got mentioned in a comment on Facebook:

And yes, they have some used 400 parts on stock, including a complete chassis with body panels.
I have now added them on the sidebar at the "parts" section. Happy part hunting.