Monday, 25 January 2021

Project cars - Ferrari 400 and more

Somewhere in the UK. Interesting collection of cars and in the back there is a 400 parked. Just adding this for the records. Click to enlarge:

Saturday, 23 January 2021

Abandoned cars : Ferrari 412

Somewhere in the UK:

Update 6-Feb-2021: Via Instagram I found the folllowing details about this car:

Ferrari 412 Auto RHD 81737 was delivered new in blue sera with tobacco interior on 1st August 1989 to Jack Currey, registered JC120. The car was then owned by the MacAlpine family and registered MCA18, and the interior was changed to blue. Then the car was G419XPL and the interior changed to magnolia. Since about 2007 that car has lived with an owner in Devon in the UK registered G1YEO, pictured here. Photo by @utilcars #ferrari #ferraris #ferrari412 #ferrarirhd #car #cars #grandtourer #gtcar #gtcars #classiccar #pininfarina #maranelloconcessionaires #ferrari412_81737

Thursday, 21 January 2021

BAT - Bring a trailer : 1986 Ferrari 412 Straman Convertible 5-Speed

It keeps surprising me every time to see what shows up in the USA. Somehow quite a few have been imported. In any case, enjoy the BAT comments:

Tuesday, 19 January 2021

Magazine : Auto Prestige 2000 - No 9, No 10 & No 11 - Historique des Ferrarri de route

This French article about the 400 series is covered in 3 editions. Each volume is separately uploaded and available in the download folder in the article section. 

Saturday, 16 January 2021

Leaflet - Dream Machines Nr 37

Earlier this week I got  in touch with someone in the Netherlands as I sold him a spare book about the Ferrari 412 by Automobilia. Turned out he was doing research regarding the 365/400/412 series as he was planning to write a book about it. He submitted me quite a bit of info which I'm sorting out now. Starting with this leaflet, which I have in my collection but apparently never scanned and archived. So it's added now to my archive; the public available Google Drive (see the top right corner to access it). Many thanks Martijn!

Thursday, 14 January 2021

Ferrari Club Nederland - Spotlight Ferrari 365/400/412 series

Last week Ferrari Club Nederland placed the following Ducht spotlight about the Ferrari 365/400/412 series. There are about 68 of these registered in the Netherlands. More detail in the Facebook posting and the photo's.

Monday, 11 January 2021

Instagram : Ferrari 412 UFE1 Oro Chiaro


Ferrari 412 Auto UK RHD 62799 supplied new via Lancaster Colchester to Mr.Morgan. First registered on 1st Jun 1986. The only UK car supplied in stunning oro chiaro (gold) with crema interior. Originally registered D762PEV, seen here at Bramley near Guildford for sale in 1990/1991, then registered FEG412 and seen at the Historic Festival at Silverstone in 1992 – more recently seen registered D429NRL. By April 1996 the car was for sale with just 17,000 miles. One of 51 UK RHD Ferrari 412 Autos, and the only one in this colour. Seen here at Bramley on 11th July 1991 with Daytona, Daytona Spyder, 365GTC and 288GTO, and 2nd and 3rd photos taken 26th March 1990 also at Bramley (note the Porsche 959, Audi Quattro Sport and silver AC Cobra in the background). Bramley owns number plate UFE1 (and others including C111) on the car for display only. A stunning, unique Ferrari 412. @simongregg #bramley #bramleymotors #ferrari #ferraris #ferrariownerclubgb #ferrari412 #exoticcar #supercar #italy #ferrari365gtc #ferrari41272699 #ferrari365gts4 #ferrari288gto #ferraridaytona #ferraricollection

Friday, 8 January 2021

John McEnroe - Ferrari 400i for sale

By surprise I noticed this advert due to the fact it displayed one photo of magazine:

Turned out, the car belonged once to John McEnroe, see this older blog:

Very beautiful Ferrari delivered by Charles Pozzi in 1982. Exhibited at the Mondial de l'Automobile in 1982 (black, year of the death of Gilles Villeneuve) the car left for the USA, acquired by the famous tennis player, John McEnroe.

I'm interested to get ahold of a copy of this magazine for my archive but I was unable to identify which edtion/year it's printed. Anyone?

Update: Already have obtained a copy on Ebay, thanks Frank!

Tuesday, 5 January 2021

Ferrari 400i bodywork assembly at Pininfarina Factory Grugliasco 1984

And the last one in this series. How cool is that? You can see on the same production line the Fiat 124 spider being put together. Click to enlarge:

For the records adding this photo as well which has a Fiat 124 spider and a Ferrari 400i on it in front of the Pininfarina Windtunnel which is next to the factory. The man posing is Sergio Pininfarina.

Saturday, 2 January 2021

Ferrari 365 GT4 2+2 - Pininfarina - Centro Studi - Nuovo Telaio - Leonardo Fioravanti

How about this unique original technical drawing with the different tail light position.
As can be seen this dates from 17/5/1970

Friday, 1 January 2021

Happy 2021! Ferrari 365 GT4 2+2 sketch drawing

Let's make a good start for 2021. Nevertheless for 2020 it was a good 400 year though. After 7 years of intensive blogging and searching it is becoming a challenge to find and publish interesting material. As such a kinder reminder/request to everyone: I welcome any input in any format that can be shared.

In any case, some years back I bought some nice photo's from a French photographer which is mentioned in this blog:

In case you are interested, the story continued per following blog:

I bought these photo's with the rights to publish them on the Internet, meaning they can not be used to be published in a book. Clearly I know what will happen if these will be released on the Internet but that's unavoidable and honestly I don't mind either - despite I paid for them. Why would I keep it for myself only and with a potential risk they will be lost or forgotten.

So for today I will release this unique sketch photo. The start and inspiration of the 400. It is also published in the book of Sig. Fioravanti. And if you have read my blog you now know how it ended up there.

Click to enlarge: