Thursday 23 December 2021

Press photo Pininfarina 365GT4 2+2

I purchased this one on an auction. It's one from the known press series but this shot is unknown to me. It's now in the download folder at the photo section. 

Click to enlarge:

Wednesday 22 December 2021

Magazine Carros - Ferrari 400i Pavesi

Now available in the download folder. This Pavesi showed up in another Dutch article in 2014 (Het Automobiel - available in the download folder as well). This car is now offered for sale at the Gallery by Aaldering in the Netherlands.

In the prologue by the editor he does mention that back in the time he was often looking at the 400 and was wondering if he should buy one. According to him; Frits Kroymans (the Dutch Ferrari importer) was driving one in a grey color. Apparently he was priviliged to borrow his 400 for a few days. But he does also mention that "Jan de Hoop" in Huizen had one parked in front of his office at the Flevolaan. (I suspect he was a succesful business director). Another person mentioned is "Rob Noortman" who even had two 400s in possession. He was a known art dealer (and founder of the TEFAF). Nice to read these additional details about these cars and the owners as the 400 is not a known nor an often used car. 

Friday 17 December 2021

Ferrari Factory photo : Bertone 308GT4, Pininfarina 400 /512BB and Scaglietti 308 / 328

From the same book I posted earlier. A great Ferrari factory shot with all models from that era, I suspect this is a photo taken in 1978 or 1979.  

Bertone 308GT4, Pininfarina 400/512BB and Scaglietti 308/328

Click the photo to enlarge:

Same but with better contrast:

Same location

Thursday 16 December 2021

Ferrari 400i convertible poster - styling by Lorenz & Rankl

I got my hands on this original poster by Lorenz & Rankl in A2 size. Never seen this one before.

Click the photo to enlarge:

Update 22-12-2021:  As I posted this on Facebook someone replied with the following photo response:

Wednesday 15 December 2021

Manual booklet - Servizio Assistenza Tecnica - Ferrari 412 A.B.S. CAT. 461/86

Finally a piece of technical support documentation. I don't recall seeing this documentation before so I guess it's a rare item. Now freely available in my share Google Drive - see the download folder on the top right section.

Monday 13 December 2021

Book - Ferrari the sports and gran turismo cars by Fitzgerald Merritt & Thompson

 A few weeks ago or so I bumped into this book. What a great cover, so I had to buy this book as I was curious regarding the content as well. Two days later I got a whatsapp message from someone who notified me about this book and had bought it too. What a coincidence :-)

It's actually quite a good book. But not that much about the 365GT4 2+2 or 400 though.

Friday 10 December 2021

Ferrari 412 press photo's - scan /dia

For those who paid attention to the Catawiki auction will know there was a 3rd auction regarding the batch of  Ferrari 412 press photo's.  I missed out the 2nd batch as per blog:

But I was sucessfull in winning the 3rd batch, yes!

I received them a few weeks ago and I went to a local shop to get them digitized and converted into JPG format. I had been there before but today the owner was behind the counter as I found out. I handed over the dia's and he had a look at them. He recognized it was a Ferrari but then he also guessed it was the 400 model. Clearly you have to be a bit of car enthusiast to know this. So the conversation started and he mentioned he had a connection with Kroymans. So I told him my 400 was from the personal collection of Frits Kroymans. So maybe with a bit of luck he might dig something up, I think chances are slim but who knows. Then he also told me the 400 was mentioned in the latest edition of the Dutch Carros Magazine, how's that? So I picked up a copy afterwards. Which got scanned and will be added later to the blog. 

Back to the dia's. They are finally digitized so I go collected them today. I have to say most photo's are not really great looking and some are slightly out of focus. The driving shots on the street are mostly cool because of the period cars on the road. To drive and own a 412 back then must have been quite something (and still is today!).

For the records, I paid € 161,- for the set of 60 dia's. + 9% auction fee + € 18,- shipping costs. Total € 193.49  The digital conversion costed € 67,35 (including USB stick).  Thus all together: € 260,84

And I will upload them in my shared Google drive folder so you can access and reuse them freely. 

Click the photo to enlarge:

Thursday 2 December 2021

Factory photo

Maybe not the greatest from a 400 perspective but there is a white one on the right. So just for the records.

Click the photo to enlarge:

Friday 19 November 2021

Ferrari 400 Pininfarina parts manual - catalogo parti di ricambio

I finally got ahold of this original parts catalogue by Pininfarina for the 400. These are quite rare and thus hard to find. A few years ago I obtained the 412 parts catalogue as well. This one is the 3rd edition for the 400i series. Meaning I still need to find the 1st and 2n editition. 

Sunday 14 November 2021

Monaco Motors 1978

 Another Monaco posting with a humble 365GT4 2+2 in the background, great color:

And it actually might be this one, there are 2 of them parked there in the same color
The one in front is clearly a 400 and the other one is likely the 365GT4 2+2

Saturday 13 November 2021

Monaco 1996 - Ferrari 412

 Another nice find on Instagram:

Monaco 1996 - Ferrari 412, rare in Rosso Corsa and with manual transmission. On Swiss plates from Zürich, seen on the Place du Casino and in front of the Hotel de Paris.

Monday 1 November 2021

Targa Florio 2021 - Ferrari 400i

Years ago I went to Sicily and drove partly the Targa Florio route in a rental Mercedes. Would love to do that again if I find the time. 

These guys from Belgium did participate in the real deal with a Ferrari 400i. How cool is that!? 
My hat of to these gentlemen:

Friday 29 October 2021

Auction : Catawiki - Documentatie - Ferrari 412 2+2 Coupé 2-doors Press color slides - Ferrari - 1980-1990

Another batch of original press photo's was offered for sale on Catawiki. It was the same seller as last time. I'm unsure if the highest bidder was the same as last time?

In any case, I was outbid again. Hereby the screenshot and photo's: