Here is another one ... I captured this one on FChat
Saturday, 31 October 2015
Friday, 30 October 2015
Thursday, 29 October 2015
Ferrari 412 manual for sale - ClassicsNL WTC Expo Leeuwarden
The past weekend a new classic car show was organized in the Netherlands:
And this 412 was presented and for sale.
You can see more detail about this 412 at the selling company:
Thanks for sharing Frank.
And this 412 was presented and for sale.
You can see more detail about this 412 at the selling company:
Thanks for sharing Frank.
Wednesday, 28 October 2015
1981 Sport Auto Magazine Test Ferrari 400i - Maserati Kyalami - Porsche 928S
Thanks to the donation of Roland I have bought this German Magazine which has a great comparisson test between 3 cars I personally all like. It's now available in the download folder.
Viel spass beim lesen mein Deutsche Freunden.
Tuesday, 27 October 2015
Ferrari 400i spotted in Den Haag
Is it just me or are the 400s getting popular? They are no longer hidden. So many spots lately, here is another one:
It's a known one:
It's a known one:
Monday, 26 October 2015
Book - Autobiography Leonardo Fioravanti - IL CAVALLINO NEL CUORE
I should have promoted this book much earlier. I already touchbased a little about it in this specific blog:
The next part is coming but is pending on finalizing the video interview and other bits and pieces.
Earlier this week Dedo shared this unique picture with me:
It's Mr. Fioravanti and the Publisher Giorgio Nada at the event Concorso Stelle Sul Liston.
I had the book already in my possession on the 14th of June when I received a signed copy from Mr. Fioravanti himself:
I can testify it's a very good and complete book, it's actually an autobiography. It's written by himself instead of being done by a ghostwriter in a fancy style - it really gives the book a natural and personal touch. Lots of questions I had prepared for the interview were more or less answered in the book. Of course it also reveals more on the background about the creation of the 400. I'm not going to release that on my blog so you simply need to order the book. I consider it a must have. As said, it's very complete with many unique pictures and touchbases on his entire oeuvre.
With the days becoming longer and colder it's a good read or else treat yourself on a nice gift for the upcoming festive days.
You can order it here or here, now with 15% reduction:
Happy reading everyone.
The next part is coming but is pending on finalizing the video interview and other bits and pieces.
Earlier this week Dedo shared this unique picture with me:
It's Mr. Fioravanti and the Publisher Giorgio Nada at the event Concorso Stelle Sul Liston.
I had the book already in my possession on the 14th of June when I received a signed copy from Mr. Fioravanti himself:
I can testify it's a very good and complete book, it's actually an autobiography. It's written by himself instead of being done by a ghostwriter in a fancy style - it really gives the book a natural and personal touch. Lots of questions I had prepared for the interview were more or less answered in the book. Of course it also reveals more on the background about the creation of the 400. I'm not going to release that on my blog so you simply need to order the book. I consider it a must have. As said, it's very complete with many unique pictures and touchbases on his entire oeuvre.
With the days becoming longer and colder it's a good read or else treat yourself on a nice gift for the upcoming festive days.
You can order it here or here, now with 15% reduction:
Happy reading everyone.
Sunday, 25 October 2015
Ferrari 400 ex Freddy Heineken spotted again
Ain't that typical, I only mentioned this car 4 days ago on my blog:
And guess what, it has been spotted again today. In fact it was spotted on the highway nearby where I live. I suspect it's mr. Kroymans driving himself. Nice spot and thanks for sharing Arriën!
And guess what, it has been spotted again today. In fact it was spotted on the highway nearby where I live. I suspect it's mr. Kroymans driving himself. Nice spot and thanks for sharing Arriën!
Saturday, 24 October 2015
Ferrari 365GT4 2+2 - Sir Henry Cooper - auction
I had seen the offering mentioned before and catched it again today. This time around I thought to update my blog with it, just for the records.
Update 26-10-2015: And a very nice addition. Even though the article refers to a GTB it's likely referring to the 365GT4 2+2 - as he owned only 1 Ferrari.
Wednesday, 21 October 2015
Ferrari 400 Kroymans visit
Today I had to escape the house and went to Kroymans to stroll around. To my surprise I spotted the Freddy Heineken Ferrari 400 in the basement collection. The car was spotted several times in the country throughout the past year. I suspect the car must then still be part of the Kroymans private collection. I guess they take the 400 out occassionly to keep it in good running condition. And in the garage I spotted another 400 for maintenance. Good to see the 400's are taken care off.
Tuesday, 20 October 2015
Ferrari 400 GT V12 Firing Ignition Order of march Ordine Di Accensione Plate
Today I received this item by post. A very good quality reproduction for a nice price. Just what I needed for the finishing touch. I ordered it here:
Monday, 19 October 2015
Ferrari 400i Bosch K-Jetronic Microfiche / Mikrocarte
Last week I bought this Bosch Microfiche regarding the K-Jetronic system used on the Ferrari 400i.
Luckily my parents had a reader so I could see what's on it. It does contain specific testing and required values. Quite useful documentation.The information is all in German though. I made a screen photo to capture all information. It's collated in a PDF and is now available in the download folder (manual directory). Ideally I would like to have a proper digitalized version as the pictures taken are not of good quality. Anyone outhere who can help?
Luckily my parents had a reader so I could see what's on it. It does contain specific testing and required values. Quite useful documentation.The information is all in German though. I made a screen photo to capture all information. It's collated in a PDF and is now available in the download folder (manual directory). Ideally I would like to have a proper digitalized version as the pictures taken are not of good quality. Anyone outhere who can help?
Saturday, 17 October 2015
2 years of blogging
And here we are. Another year passed by. It's exactly one year ago I wrote this blog:
At that time I felt it would be difficult to find more useable content for this blog. But somehow I managed to keep up easily another year. But this time around I can almost definately say I have exhausted mostly all available internet resources. So to continue further I simply rely on new input published on the Internet. Since the attention and appreciation for this car is taking off lately it's not unusual new items of interest are published. Furthermore I'm still hunting for time period magazines and articles. For this I welcome donations or alternatively you can buy them yourself and send me a digital scan. Feel free to reuse anything from this blog. As Always any input is welcomed. If I can be of any help just let me know. Happy to assist if I can.
And for those curious regarding the stats, hereby the snapshots. Over the past year it has been fluctuating quite a bit. But on average it's about 3000 hits per months, so about 100 per day. In total 60k of hits. Most of them are still generated by the United States. Typical, for a car that was never sold there.
At that time I felt it would be difficult to find more useable content for this blog. But somehow I managed to keep up easily another year. But this time around I can almost definately say I have exhausted mostly all available internet resources. So to continue further I simply rely on new input published on the Internet. Since the attention and appreciation for this car is taking off lately it's not unusual new items of interest are published. Furthermore I'm still hunting for time period magazines and articles. For this I welcome donations or alternatively you can buy them yourself and send me a digital scan. Feel free to reuse anything from this blog. As Always any input is welcomed. If I can be of any help just let me know. Happy to assist if I can.
And for those curious regarding the stats, hereby the snapshots. Over the past year it has been fluctuating quite a bit. But on average it's about 3000 hits per months, so about 100 per day. In total 60k of hits. Most of them are still generated by the United States. Typical, for a car that was never sold there.
Thursday, 15 October 2015
Ferrar 412 Vento Rosso by Pavesi for Sale
It was brought to my attention this very rare and special Ferrari 412 is now on the market for sale.
Di seguito alcune informazioni sulla Ferrari
412 in generale e sulla nostra Ferrari 412 "Vento Rosso" Pavesi.
La Ferrari 412 Coupè ha sostituito la 400, che
era un po’ anonima, con intervento su alcuni particolari della carrozzeria e
sul motore aumentando la cilindrata da 4824 a 4943 i.e. con 340 Cv.
Produzione solo n. 303 esemplari dal 1985 al
E’ l’ultima vettura con motore 12 cilindri
prima di adottare ABS
Secondo notizie da noi assunte dal precedente
proprietario (Museo delle Comunicazioni, Cormano), ed anche dai tecnici che
hanno contribuito al progetto, la Ferrari 412 Pavesi denominata “ Vento
Rosso” è stata realizzata su disegno di un architetto interno alla Pavesi allo
scopo di potersi accreditare, una volta ultimata la vettura, presso la
Ferrari come carrozzeria di riferimento al pari di Farina, Scaglietti, etc, anche
in considerazione del fatto che la Ferrari già autorizzava la stessa Pavesi a
realizzare le capote elettriche sulle 400 eseguendo interventi, oltre al
taglio del tetto, anche per irrobustire altri componenti di carrozzeria.
Pertanto la Ferrari 412 “Vento Rosso” è
rimasta a livello di unico esemplare
in quanto tale iniziativa non ha avuto seguito anche per le note
vicissitudini finanziarie della Pavesi stessa.
Alla luce di quanto sopra ci sembra opportuno
rilevare che tale vettura appartenga a quella categoria di unico esemplare “ONE
OFF” che per un collezionista, ed ancora di più se possessore di altre Ferrari,
rappresenta un pezzo unico di rilevante interesse storico e di sicuro futuro
La Ferrari
412 Pavesi denominata “Vento Rosso” è stata realizata dalla
carrozzeria Pavesi tra il 1991 ed il 1993, su un telaio (n.81.011) della
Ferrari 412. Non si tratta di una
modifica parziale (come ne erano già state fatte su altre Ferrari 400) bensì di
un design della carrozzeria completamente nuovo e realizzata interamente dalla
Pavesi stessa, per cui rappresenta un esemplare unico (ONE OFF). Il nome Vento
Rosso è stato dato da Pavesi stesso per dare alla vettura una connotazione
diversa dalla Ferrari 412.
Il cofano motore, il bagagliaio ed il coperchio della
capote sono stati realizzati in alluminio, i paraurti in vetroresina ed i
restanti lamierati della carrozzeria in acciaio. Il cofano motore ha una
pendenza maggiore della vettura di serie; la parte posteriore è più alta e
priva di spoiler. Sulle fiancate la carrozzeria è marcata da uno scalino che
inizia anteriormente in maniera leggera, poi aumenta la sporgenza fino ai ¾
della vettura, per poi diminuirla nuovamente verso il bagagliaio.
L’interno è rimasto quello originale con i sedili in
pelle nera mentre la capote è stata completamente ridisegnata ed è stato
realizzato appositamente un sofisticato sistema di movimentazione
elettro-idraulica che esegue le manovre automaticamente in sequenza.
Anno produzione telaio: 1985
Motore: 12 cilindri a V, 4942 cc
Potenza: 340 HP a 6000 giri
Peso: 1818 kg
Velocità max: 255 km/h
Colore : rosso
Interno: pelle nera
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
1983 Ferrari 400i Once Owned By Tennis Icon John McEnroe To Be Offered On Ebay
Quite a few well known people have owned a Ferrari 400. John McEnroe was one of them, it's now up for sale. The car is getting quite a bit of exposure now, so I can't stay behind:
Tuesday, 13 October 2015
Five Ways to Invest in Ferrari Without Waiting for the IPO
Surprisingly the 400 is on the list ... what a bargain:
Here is an upcoming auction with a 412 with a very low estimate. Dirt cheap in my opinion, I think it will end up much higher (2x):
Update 14-10-2015: I overlooked the fact this car is not running, hence the low estimate.
Here is an upcoming auction with a 412 with a very low estimate. Dirt cheap in my opinion, I think it will end up much higher (2x):
Update 14-10-2015: I overlooked the fact this car is not running, hence the low estimate.
Monday, 12 October 2015
Ferrari 400 Automatic And The Pillow Case
I catched this write up today, thought to share it as it's a nice read:
Sunday, 11 October 2015
Ferrari 400: buying guide and review
And another one added to the online article section:
Wednesday, 7 October 2015
Bring a trailer - 1974 Ferrari 365GT4 2+2 5-Speed - Ferrari Classiche - Martini
Just adding this one for the records. A lot of detail and nice pictures. Incuding a Ferrari Classiche certificate. It does reveal the name of the 1st owner as well: Elie Ayache. A quick search prompted me this article:
Quite a story. Due to this article I went straight into nostalgic mode. So had to watch a Martini commercial
Gee, just think about it, owning a new Ferrari 365GT4 2+2 and marry the Martini lady, not bad eh.
Back to reality and the auction:
Quite a story. Due to this article I went straight into nostalgic mode. So had to watch a Martini commercial
Gee, just think about it, owning a new Ferrari 365GT4 2+2 and marry the Martini lady, not bad eh.
Back to reality and the auction:
Update 8-10-2015: Just after I published this blog I read on Fchat it's quite a known car:
But also this thread is providing more detail:
Coming back to Elie Ayache, I found also the following comment about him on FChat:
Ayache did many deals with Achilli Motors in Milan
in the 70s and early 80s. Then Achilli was forced to close. Most of the cars
delivered/sold to Ayache never went to Lebanon but
rather stayed in Italy or the South of France. Marcel Massini
And interestingly I also came across the following snippet taken from this article:
Living in Muslim West Beirut when civil war broke out in 1976, Deborah and her first daughter, together with the nanny, made a dash for the green line and the safety of Christian East Beirut. In a later bombardment, they lost almost 30 new Ferraris (Ayache had the Ferrari franchise for the Middle East) and some Riva speedboats, all paid for and uninsured.
Monday, 5 October 2015
Saturday, 3 October 2015
Replica - Ferrari 400 based
I catched this one today. Curious to know how it will end up.
Thursday, 1 October 2015
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